Nestled at the border of Kisii and Nyamira Counties, Manga Hills, also known as Emanga Ridge by the Abagusii community, is a place steeped in history and cultural significance. Hike to the top and be rewarded with breathtaking panoramic views stretching across the southern reaches of Kisii all the way to the lake region.
This isn’t just any scenic viewpoint. Manga Hills hold a special place in the hearts of the Abagusii people. Legend has it that this was their first settlement before they spread throughout the region. The massive rocks and caves served as a natural fortress, providing shelter and vantage points to keep watch for enemies.
Intrigue abounds at Manga Hills. An “endless hole” called Engoro ya Manga is believed to connect to the mighty Lake Victoria. There are also tales of the hills themselves mysteriously burning during times of extreme heat and drought, a supposed harbinger of coming rains.
Adding to the mystique are the cultural practices surrounding the site. Visitors are expected to follow certain procedures, including tying a bundle of green grass and offering firewood, to appease the ancestral spirits and gain access. Elders come here to perform rituals and offerings during times of hardship, seeking the blessings of their forefathers.
Whether you’re a history buff, a nature enthusiast, or simply someone intrigued by cultural experiences, Manga Hills offers a unique and unforgettable adventure. Just remember to come with a respectful heart and an open mind!